Looking Cool Uptown

One of the things that I love about advanced style is the fact that older people can be unaware that they are actually really hip. It’s this lack of self consciousness, this accidental stylishness that is often so appealing. Obviously much of this due to the fact that fashion and accessories style is often times recycled from vintage designs. Where young can over do it with their hipster styles(myself included), these looks are worn with cool confidence, by their original wearers. When I complimented this lady on her sunglasses she replied, “They are not fancy or expensive, in fact they are old.”

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Style Inspiration: Zandra Rhodes

[photo from This is London]
[ photo from Pret a Portobello]
[ photo from News.com]
[photo from Ny Times]

Designer extraordinaire Zandra Rhodes is my Mom’s favorite style inspiration. Click here to read more about the 68 year old designer for the late Princess Diana. Feel free to mail in your own advanced style inspirations to Advancedstyleinfo@gmail.com.