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Excellent Eyewear

I saw this lady in line at Whole Foods and later ran into her at the Farmer’s Market in Union Square. Apparently I’m not the only one who likes her purple glasses. She told me that she gets complimented on them everyday. She also let me know about a place in the market that sells excellent rhubarb juice; unfortunately I couldn’t find it.

Color Commitment

This woman, hanging back from her tour group in a Manhattan park, really brought me back to a fond childhood memory. When I was a girl, Mom and I went on a tour and there was one lady who was always dressed, every day for a week, head to toe in purple. She shopped for purple carpets, purple clothing, purple accessories…. This kind of passion and dedication for color is distinctive, fun, and makes for unforgettable style. This is a signature look if I’ve ever seen one.

Bon Voyage!

These Aussies were happy to step aside from the hustle and bustle of the Union Square Market for a photo – if they could show off both pairs of their glasses, that is. While their glasses are pretty amazing, don’t forget to appreciate their smart outfits – perfect for a grand tour of East Coast cities. We sent them off to enjoy their New York vacation with a great list of glasses shops to check out before heading home.

Reader Submission

Trevor sent in these two pictures of his stylish grandparents. He says,

” The first is my maternal Grandpa Bill from Burnet, Texas (picture taken near Carlsbad, NM), and the second is my 93-year-old paternal Grandma JoJo from Albuquerque, NM (she is seated on the balcony of her apartment). You might notice that she is wearing a magnifying glass around her neck, as she is “legally blind”, which is among the first things she’ll tell you upon meeting. I think they both have tremendous style.”