Posts tagged old

Think Pink

Debra Rapoport has taught me that dressing should be fun.Every time I see her she is wearing a wonderful combination of clothes that she has either thrifted or has been gifted. At 66, she dresses for herself and doesn’t worry about what other people think.Check out her amazing accessories,mostly made from recycled materials!

“When in Doubt, Leave it Off.”

[Amber on Madison Ave in her Ralph Lauren Sandals]

I met Amber near Madison Ave, and asked if I could take her photo. She was dressed perfectly for a hot summer’s day, and I knew she would have some great style advice. Amber told me that she follows her mother’s old saying,” When in doubt, leave it off.” Amber thinks about comfort first, because, “You won’t feel stylish if you aren’t comfortable.” This is sound advice from a stylish lady!

Glamour at The Grocery Store

We all have excuses as to why we can’t dress up at a particular moment, but this woman is proof that you can dress stylishly even while grocery shopping. I saw her at Trader Joe’s and asked if I could take her photograph. She told me that she was only dressed for shopping, but I assured her that she looked just marvelous. If you’re in rush throw take a cue from the lady above. Throw on a great pair of shades and a stylish scarf and you’re ready to go!

“Sunglasses Are Better Than a Facelift”

I always have a blast with my pal Mary. At 71 years old she knows the secret to fooling mother nature, she says, “Sunglasses are better than a facelift, they hide the ravages of time, and let you spy on people.” Mary keeps her style chic and classic, but when it comes to glasses she says,”You can break the rules once in a while, I’m not ready for a convent or anything so I can wear leopard glasses.” Check out some more of Mary’s many shades below.

The Secret To Staying Young and Beautiful

What is the secret to staying beautiful as you age? According to this 80 year woman its to,” Be positive, eat well, and dance a lot.” Inspiring words for a person of any age to live by!