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Mindfullness at 85


Yesterday I went to visit one of my favorite people to follow on Instagram @10secondswithgma . Grandma Pat’s videos provide me with endless joy and inspiration and I was thrilled to finally get to spend some quality time with her. After taking some photos, Patsy told me that over the last few years she has been learning new techniques to deal with stress and anxiety. She meditates, does yoga, and practices mindfulness. Grandma Pat is about to turn 85 and she feels more empowered than ever to share some of her healing methods with the world. Check out the video above and make sure and visit her Instagram page for a daily dose of inspiration and fun.

The It Girl 1924

I always love finding new inspirational people to follow on Instagram, especially if they are of the Advanced Style set. I’ve been following @theitgirl1924  for a while and yesterday we finally got the chance to meet for a glamorous street style photo shoot near her granddaughter’s salon. Vernel is about to turn 93-years-old and her advice to those younger than her is, “Work hard, have a goal, enjoy yourself, it’s later than you think.” Who are some of your favorite bloggers and instagrammers over 60?