Date Archives 2008

Reader Submission (Rachel’s Grandpas)

We are very excited to have received our first few reader submitted photos. Rachel Wianecki from Seattle sent us some pictures of her stylish grandpas.

She said that, “Bob(seen above) is way into is seasonal garb (frowns upon those who wear dark colors in the summer time). He has an extensive hat collection (100’s of hats) and at 90 years old still dresses it up everyday to look good for the ladies.

He looks great in his matching shirt and suspenders!

Rachel also let us know that, “Eddie LOVES his pantsuit big time and wears it almost everyday.”

One of the things that is so interesting about advanced style is the consistency and confidence that comes with a developed fashion sense.Many of the people I have talked to have worn the same coat for 25 years or have had their favorite hat “forever”. These pieces hold special memories for their owners and often times look better than contemporary ones.

Aviator Twins

On my way home last night, I saw these guys posted on the sidewalk, taking a cigar break in front of their Psychic Readings storefront. They each have their own distinctive style, but when you get a little closer and notice their matching aviator glasses, their charm comes into full effect. They offered me a psychic reading after getting their photo taken… I couldn’t take them up on their offer, but I hope that there are more photos as good as these in my future.

A Well-Sculpted Look

I met Nancy, a sculptor, in the East Village. Her look is subtle but her layers are rad. When I asked about her silky brown pants, she explained that they are traditional Indian pants that she bought on a trip to India 25 years ago. She just started wearing them again and they are the perfect finishing touch to this look.

Check out her site, If you’re in New York, check out her “Heart Wall” sculpture installation at 340 Madison Avenue.