Linda Rodin Stars The Row’s Latest Look Book

All Images Courtesy of The Row and

When I started my blog back in 2008, I noticed how there was a set of younger women who were referencing the style of fashionable older women. Mary-Kate and Ashley Olsen, designers of The Row, are probably the most notable among these chic young ladies who effortlessly mix vintage fashions with their own brand of eccentricity, and personal style. Bravo to the Olsen’s for taking one step further in the celebration of older women by casting 64-year-old Linda Rodin in their latest Look Book campaign. Check out an interview with Linda Rodin on for more on the shoot HERE.

New Orleans

As soon as I heard that a blizzard was headed East, I packed my bags and boarded a plane to New Orleans for the weekend. I always love traveling and seeing how differently people dress and express themselves in other cities. I’ll be posting shots from trip over the next few days. The women I met all seemed to wholeheartedly embrace the creative culture of New Orleans. Many of them either made their own clothes or shopped from local designers. Michele, above, told me that she was wearing a skirt by Oliver Manhatten, a local designer who is on a mission to bring bustle skirts back!

Happy New Year: Best of 2013

2013 has been such an incredible year. I never dreamed that a little blog which I started five years ago would allow me the opportunity to travel the world and meet so many amazing and inspiring people. I am truly thankful for everyone who visits  and comments regularly. Your encouragement and support are the driving force behind a growing movement and shift in how we view the aging process. Here are some of my favorite photos from 2013. Thanks so much for all of your continued support and have a happy, healthy, and safe New Year!!!!!