Iris Apfel’s Avant/Garde Diaries Video Interview Trailer

Iris Apfel – Sneak Peek from The Avant/Garde Diaries on Vimeo.
Check out this amazing teaser for an interview I worked on with Iris Apfel for The Avant/Garde Diaries. The full interview, which launches in November, will feature insight into Iris’ life, love, and incredible career. Check out The Avant/Garde Diaries for more inspired conversation HERE.

Ruth Celebrates Her 101st Birthday

Ruth with her new friend Henry

One of our favorite centenarians, Ruth, just celebrated her 101st birthday. This past weekend I stopped by her apartment to wish her a very happy birthday and gave her a copy of Pilates Style magazine featuring photos of her stretching and lifting weights. Ruth believes that as long as you can move, you can do some form of exercise. She is a great inspiration to us all!

Beatrix Ost in Harper’s Bazaar

The Advanced Style Ladies are taking the fashion world by storm. First it was Iris Apfel on the cover of Dazed and Confused. Now, Beatrix Ost is featured in an incredible spread in November’s Harper’s Bazaar, shot by Terry Richardson. I can’t wait to see who will be next…

A Book Signing at LIM College

Debra Rapoport, Jane Folds, Ilona Royce Smithkin, and Joyce Carpati
The Idiosyncratic Fashionistas and Debra Rapoport are rarely seen without hats.
It’s always so wonderful to have an excuse to party with the Advanced Style Ladies. This weekend LIM College invited me to speak on a panel about fashion blogging. After the panel we celebrated with a wonderful book signing party hosted by LIM. I usually have my big camera on me, but I decided to capture the evening’s style and conversation through my Instagram account.( For more photos on Instagram check out  my account @advancedstyle).

This Friday at 2pm I will be doing an informal signing of the Advanced Style Book at Strand Books near Union Square. Some of the ladies will be there too! Let me know if you can make it!!!

My Style Icon, Richard Cramer
Debra and Ilona enjoying a laugh!
Elke Kuhn in a design of her own
Christina Viera and Debra Rapoport
Aren’t Carol Markel’s gloves dreamy?
New Friends!
Christina and Valerie