Lanvin Features 82-Year-Old Jacquie Tajah Murdock in Fall/Winter Campaign

I have been keeping this secret for a while, but now I can reveal that Advanced Style’s Jacquie Tajah Murdock is one of the latest stars of Lanvin’s Fall/Winter 2012 campaign! I helped cast Jacquie and another Advanced Style model in the campaign and can’t wait to see the photos in print.

Jacquie has even more to celebrate with her 82nd birthday approaching next week. 
Jacquie told me,”This campaign is a dream come true. I grew up in Harlem always wanting to be a model, but in my day there were very little opportunities for women of color to work in fashion. At 18 I went from agent to agent looking for jobs, even as a hand model. I have finally made it and I will never give up. Hopefully some day I will get to Paris!”
One of the best things about starting Advanced Style has been seeing so many opportunities open up for these amazing older women. For the last three years,Lina Plioplyte and I have been filming the Advanced Style ladies for our upcoming documentary. I can’t wait for you to see more of Jacquie’s story including her first visit to the Lanvin casting. For more information about Jacquie CLICK HERE and watch the videos below:

Sally Thornton in San Diego

I am in San Diego for a little while to visit with my family and capture a bit of California’s Advanced Style. Yesterday I caught up with Sally Thornton at Thornton Winery. I have admired Sally’s fantastic style since I was a little kid. My mom and I would see her shopping at Neiman Marcus all the time and always enjoyed seeing her wonderful outfits. Although I am based out of New York City its great to see that there are people with Advanced Style in every city!


Every Advanced Style lady knows the transformative power of a great hat. Hats not only provide great frame for the face and protection from the sun, but they can shift your attitude as well. Debra Rapoport describes the  feeling she gets when she puts on a hat as “Hatitude“. Everywhere she goes people comment on her wonderful creations. Check out the video below and if you are interested in any of Debra’s marvelous hand made hats email her at

Blogger Love: Superbytimai

A few months ago a wonderful French blogger and beauty expert named Timai asked me if she could get in touch with Advanced Style’s Debra Rapoport to make a video. I love when other bloggers take an interest in these incredible ladies and couldn’t wait to see what Timai would come up with. I finally met up with her in Paris for my book signing event and we immediately hit it off. While in Paris Timai had the chance to make another great video of Joyce. Check out her wonderful website HERE and the two videos of Joyce and Debra.