Update On The Advanced Style Documentary Film

Here are some behind the scenes shots of our recent interview with Lynn Dell for the Advanced Style Documentary. Lina Plioplyte and I have been working on this project for over three years, and we are finally ready to sit down and edit over 150 hours footage! In fact, Lina just left for the mountains where she will be editing the film in peace and quiet, to get it ready for the 2013 film festival circuit. We have filmed so  many inspiring interviews, stories, and interactions and I can’t wait to share the finished product with everyone.Check out the trailers again below and for updated information on the film CLICK HERE and find us on Facebook HERE .

Lynn Dell ran into another one of our stars, Iris Apfel, while shopping at a gift show.

While in Los Angeles we met up with Dita Von Teese, to an interview her about Advanced Style!

Advanced Beauty Secrets from Alice Carey

Yesterday I met up with Alice Carey in her secret garden courtyard in Greenwich Village. Alice was wearing a snappy vintage men’s shirt which she accessorized with bakelite bangles and a silk white rose. After a wonderful cup of iced tea Alice and I went for a walk in the West Village, where we spotted Debra Rapoport. I asked the ladies about their summer style secrets. Check out the video below to hear about the importance of a great lipstick and cool layers.

Many of you have been asking that I share some of the beauty products used by the Advanced Style Ladies. Alice is most definitely a CLAIRINS girl, but she also partial to products by BOOTS the Chemist, UK that are now carried at Target. Her new favorites are Lift & Luminate day serum and night serum. As she is a writer, her beauty products don’ stray too far from her beloved books. To check out some of Alice’s writing on the Huffington Post CLICK HERE and her wonderful novel HERE. You can also find more great pictures of Alice in the Advanced Style book.

Dress For Yourself

One of the  things that I most admire about the Advanced Style ladies  is how free and confidently they express themselves through style. Whether they are extremely elegant or prefer more eccentric fashions, they all dress for themselves, rather than trying to impress others. Over the past four years I have learned that this is the most important rule when it comes to personal style– dress for yourself!

Lynn Dell’s Summer Looks

I just got back to New York and it’s so wonderful to catch up with the Advanced Style Ladies.  I even had the pleasure of seeing Lynn Dell two days in row! It’s hot and muggy in the city, but Lynn Dell still manages too look amazing in light layers, bright colors, and loads of accessories. Everything she is wearing can be purchased at her wonderful Off Broadway Boutique. Call them up and you may even get to speak to Lynn Dell herself  212 724-6713 .