Advanced Style:Reader Submission

I was super excited when I opened my email to see this photo sent in by Erin Potter. Erin described her encounter with this snazzy fellow below:

I do audio work, but when I went to a site to interview people I met this man. I was so impressed with him that I had to return with a camera. He is Greek, and has an impossibly long last name, so most people call him Mr. Chris. He also says he has nicknames of Mr. Hollywood (He lives in the Hollywood Apartments) and the Mayor of Chicago.

The first time I met him he was wearing black slacks and a bright red blazer over a sequined red and black sweater and a smashing fedora. These photos are from our second meeting. He tells such great stories about the restaurants he used to own and even some about dating Mae West.


An Advanced Friendship

Mary, who I met on the street the other day looking sharp in Nanette Lepore, came to visit me at The New Museum with her friend Doris. I asked them about how they met, and the two let me in on a little of their history.

Mary: We’ve been friends for about 30 years.
Doris: We worked together at the Whitney Art Museum.
Mary: I was fired for insubordination.
Doris: I offered to help her fight for her job–
Mary: And she had a very high position there! But I didn’t want her to have to fight for it, because of my boss. He was nicknamed “Lobotomy.”

As Mary and Doris have advanced in age, they’ve maintained an appreciation for each other’s fashion sense, and still firmly believe in looking their best every day.