Readers Respect Their Elders!

[Text: Maayan Zilberman, Photos: reader submission]
We’re always excited when readers send us their photos inspired by the men and women on our site. But it’s especially fun to see people incorporating advice and style tips into their lifestyle…
I’m especially touched by this display of creativity and sisterhood, on the heels of seeing the new Sex and the City movie and feeling totally disconnected from a group of women so insistent on looking younger than they are.
This weekend we got a special treat, these four sisters wrote in from Latvia:

“I like what you and your soul-mates are doing on Advanced Style! Actually, we all love it. We are 4 sisters – Agnese, Elza, Marta & Gerda – we are from Riga, Latvia. One of us (Gerda) is studying fashion design and accidentally came upon your blogspot. On the “sisters event” – that is one day a month, when we all meet and spend time together doing whatever we have decided to – we somehow started to talk about how we will act when we will be older and so on… And Gerda showed us this page as an example for cool mature people – that style is not the privilege of youth, but it blossom out by and by. And your blogspot was a proof to our believing that there is no time limitation for being creative, stylish, inspiring and even totally crazy! We felt in love with the idea and the way how you are doing this – we liked it so much, that we even picked up our prototypes whom we would like to bear a resemblance (we called this “wanna be old” choice) after years! It is so nice to see that woman or man is still a Woman and Man, no matter how old is she/he, instead of becoming just an oldster. At least in Latvia there are very rare old and stylish people…L

We liked this so much, that we promised to each other never to loose Woman in us and we kept some of your blogspot pictures we choose as “wanna be old” to look at them after some years and compare with ourselves. We even did a photo session where we tried to capture the feeling of persons we were inspired by And we also decided to create our own blogspot because we all have something to say to world, but we never did that in public. So, we will now!
We hope that after some decades we won’t loose our femininity, smile and positive craziness!
Thank you for a lot of inspiration, ideas and nice pictures where to regale our eyes! We wish you good luck and many crazy ideas to realize!
Greetings also to Hilda Longinotti, Jenny Hirschowitz and Marylin Sokol – I hope you will recognize yourselves as our “wanna be old” prototypes in our blogspot…”

Don’t you love this letter?!

Here are some of the ladies who inspired the sisters…

Debra in Red

Debra has been busy modeling the past few days, but she made some time to stop by with Stan, her partner in crime.She wanted to show me her new haircut and I thought I should take a few photos of her since I’ll be off to England in a few days. Debra bought everything she is wearing from thrift stores including Stan’s great leather vest. She believes that frugality is fun and that personal style and creativity are healing. She loves to share her secrets on how to eat healthy and have fun. Feel free to contact her at and check out her very own page on Advanced Style!

Time to Make a Splash: Packing for the Beach with Jenny

[Photos: Ari Seth Cohen, Text: Maayan Zilberman]

With just a week to go before Ari heads “across the pond” to London to set up the in-store Advanced Style project at Selfridge’s, we’re doing anything we can to endure the heat and humidity while meeting folks with Advanced Style on the streets of New York City.

Just a few days ago I joked about leaving the house in nothing but a swimsuit, then it occurred to me that perhaps I should be consulting the woman I most admire, the incredible Jenny.
She carries herself in such a way that she could be wearing a paper bag and make it feel appropriate just because it’s paired with the right shoe and scarf around her hair.

Today we decided to make an impromptu visit with Jenny to take some snapshots of her relaxing on her rooftop in her favorite swimsuit and silk sarong. She’s been wearing this same suit for decades and swears by it’s simple and durable design. She also wears it to swim laps in the pool, which we at Advanced Style ENCOURAGE… it’s excellent exercise and will help you feel great!

For many city people we often hop on the train or get in the car and go to the nearest beach when it gets to be too much. How do you pack a bag for the beach?

In Jenny’s beach bag:

  • Swimsuit
  • Sandals (Jenny loves her original Havaiana’s)
  • Sunglasses: her favorite prescription lenses from Paris
  • Summer hat (her favorite today is one she got in a vintage shop in Woodstock, NY)
  • Neutral bra (a glamorous detail I witnessed with Jenny…to carry the swimsuit look into evening, she’ll wear a bra underneath and wrap a sarong over the suit, and she’s ready for dinner!)
  • Lightweight trench-dress (throw it over the swimsuit and she has a perfect outfit for the beach-reveal!)

Of course the other givens: sunscreen, iphone, and great reading material!

Summer Heat, Keeping Cool: Advice On How To Stay Cool From Broadway Star George Mann

[Photos: Ari Seth Cohen, Text: Maayan Zilberman]

Ari and I were walking after work yesterday and kvetching about the heat, as if it were our first summer EVER in New York City. Being it my 16th summer in this sweltering mess, I thought it about time to get some advice from our elders on how to make it through the season.
Our biggest question is how to look chic while covered up. I’m always two shakes away from leaving the house in a swimsuit, and then think twice when I imagine what Ilona, Carol, or Tracy might say to that.

As we strolled along Madison Avenue after dinner time, Ari and I had the pleasure of meeting this enchanting couple who answered our prayers with solutions to the temperature issue. With such infectious smiles we realized that with their attitude you don’t even notice the heat!

We first noticed George Mann, retired Broadway actor, because of his crisp charcoal linen suit and pressed white shirt. We love the playful floral pattern of his handkerchief that plays off the retro look of his wife’s silk jersey dress. They said “we dress down all day but always dress up to go to dinner, no matter the season.”

Both husband and wife have impeccable taste when it comes to eyewear. Lots of you ask us how to choose frames that are vintage but not too costume-y… well, here’s a perfect example. We also love George’s aviators, we’re guessing they are old frames but updated with his current prescription. We think more men should try this!

One of the top items on Ari’s “Kvetch List” yesterday was what sort of shoes he should wear for the summer and what shoes to pack for the humidity in Europe (for the Advanced Style Tour!)…
I say George has the right idea with his matte ivory-polished wing-tipped oxfords. His wife told us he asked if he could wear them to dinner this night, and we’re glad they decided it was a good idea! She says “They’re over 50 years old!”… to which he mutters “You know I don’t like when you say that…”
“Oh well”, she says,” they’re vintage, and so are we!”

Now that’s how to keep it cool.